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Rock Pickup Lines

Your 101 Rock Climbing Pick-Up Lines. I can take you to a Bruno Mars concert or I can take you to Mars and back. Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines Part 143 Page 2 Of 2 The Total Frat Move Archive If you were Gerald Id let you stay on the rock. . Following is our collection of smooth and dirty Rock pick up lines and openingszinnen working better than Reddit as Tinder openers. Im gonna rock your New World. I think youre marked Prestissimo because youre dashing. Try out our amusing climbing 101 rock climbing pick-up lines and have some fun while you wait for your turn. I wish I was your guitar so I could be played all night long 2. Top 50 Rock Pick Up lines. 123 Rock Climbing Pick Up Lines. Whether youre at a bar or a concert these rock music pick up lines are sure to score you some points with the ladies. For score seven years agoI would have rocked that butt. Youre so smart and funny that you ...